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What is the address of Future Farmers of America Camp?

720 FFA FHA Camp Rd.

Covington, GA 30014

Phone: 770-786-6926


How do I make a Payment?

  • DeafBlind Guests:  Please provide a deposit of $100 by March 30th. Final payments are due by June 1, 2025.


  • SSPs:  Please send $30 within 20 days of completing your application. DBAS will return the $30 at the end of the retreat upon request. Or you may donate it to help defray the cost of the meals and board.


  •  Plese Click Below to make an electronic payment.  WE CAN ACCEPT CREDIT/DEBIT CARDS ONLY - No Checks.



  • If you are paying for someone else, please email us at so we can be sure we credit the correct account.

What if I register and change my mind?

We will provide a refund if you let us know before August 15th. No questions asked.

After August 15th, we reserve the right to keep your payment if we cannot find a replacement.

What is the smoking policy?

Future Farmers of America restricts smoking to a few areas. Plan accordingly. You may want to bring a patch or nicotine gum.  

What is the alcohol policy?

Alcohol is not allowed on the premises at the retreat.

Can I bring food?

Please do not bring food. Future Farmers of America Camp does not want an insect problem in the lodges.

What are the lodges like?

 Each lodge has beds, dressers, and restrooms. They are clean and comfortable but not luxurious.

Who do I contact regarding transportation arrangements?

Our transportation coordinator is Kathy Gabry. You can reach her at

Whom do I contact with questions about lodging?

Francois Roa is the lodging coordinator, and his email is:

Whom do I contact for questions about SSPs?

Our SSP Coordinator will match SSPs with guests based on the answers provided when you registered. Contact our Coordinators at if you have questions/concerns.

What Field Trips are available this year?

We are planning one amazing field trip for all this year, and we will announce it shortly.

What should I pack?

  • Pack enough clothes for 5 days. Be sure to bring clothes for outdoor activities. We suggest that you bring clothes that you can take off or put on as layers because we can get cool to hot weather during the retreat. There is no laundry facility for us to wash our clothes, so bring enough.


  •  FFA Camp does not provide linens. Linens may be rented for $57. This includes: Pillow and pillowcase, fitted sheet, flat sheet, blanket, towel, and washcloth.


  • Bring some cash so you can purchase crafts made by DeafBlind artists as well as a credit card for other needs.


  • Bring your toiletries (shampoo, soap, toothpaste/toothbrush), bug repellent, and sunscreen lotions.


  • Highly recommend that you bring hats, caps, and sunglasses for some. Please wear comfortable shoes or sneakers as we will do lots of walking. Closed-toe shoes are recommended.


  • You cannot bring pets. Only trained service animals are allowed.


  • Please do not bring colognes, perfumes, aftershaves. Some people have sensitivities.

Information for DeafBlind Guests

How will you get matched if you do not bring your SSP?

Our SSP Coordinator will match SSPs with guests based on the answers you provided when you registered.

If willing to lead a workshop or provide a lecture, whom to contact?

Contact the director Anne Mcquade at

When can I apply for camp?

We will begin accepting applications in early 2025 and will alert everyone through email and on Facebook.

How will I know if I am accepted?

An acceptance package will be emailed out. If the retreat is full, the coordinator(s) will contact you to ask if you want to be placed on a waitlist.

What kind of support will I have during the retreat?

DBAS will provide Support Service Providers (SSPs) and staff trained to work with DeafBlind people. If you know an SSP who wants to help out, please have them complete the SSP application.

Can I come for only one or two days?

No, we do not allow part-time campers or volunteers.

Can friends visit me while I am at the Retreat?

No, we do not allow visitors due to insurance reasons.

How much money will I need at camp?

All meals and activities are included. You will need extra money only for optional purchases or to buy incidentals on field trips.

 What happens if I become sick or injured during the retreat?

We can store medications that need to be refrigerated. Also, there are people present trained in first aid. For anything more serious, a hospital is nearby, and an SSP will go with you.


You are responsible for bringing and taking your medicines. We cannot administer prescription medications without a prescription. However, if more assistance is needed, Piedmont Newton Hospital is 15 miles away. Completing the emergency contact page on your application and bringing your insurance cards is important. You are responsible for any cost incurred for hospitalization and urgent care visits.

What do I do if I cannot eat the food provided?

Please note on your application if you have any dietary restrictions. All food allergies are considered during meal preparations. Please let Ashley know during registration if you must follow a very strict diet.

How can I keep in touch with my family during the retreat?

You can contact your family at any time using your device. Wi-Fi is available throughout the camp. However, you will have so much fun that you will forget about checking in!

What activities are available at camp?

Art & Crafts, Bonfire, Bingo, Motorcycle Rides, Sightseeing, Vendor Day, Paddle boats, field trips, and more!

For SSP (Volunteers) Only

When can I apply for camp?

The number of DeafBlind individuals we accept depends on every volunteer’s full commitment to the entire duration of the camp. The sooner, the better! The applications are open now.

What if I apply and change my mind?

Please let us know IMMEDIATELY. We will be sad, but we will understand. As a friendly reminder, the number of DeafBlind individuals we accept GREATLY depends on every volunteer’s full commitment to the entire duration of the camp.

What exactly do I do as an SSP?

In laymen terms, you will be the DeafBlind individuals’ eyes and ears. You will provide environmental information, sighted guiding, light interpreting during announcements, and such. You are not an interpreter, intervener, or PCA (Personal Care Assistant). You do “WITH” not FOR the DeafBlind person. 

Will I work with a team?

We hope to have enough SSPs to assign teams, but we won’t know until we get closer to the time of the retreat.

What if I need help?

There will be leaders, floaters, and coordinators everywhere. No worries!

What should I wear?

Ensure your shirt color contrasts with your skin tone. Solid color, please. Keep perfumes/aftershave to a minimum, as some have sensitivities.  

To whom will I be assigned?

We match SSPs with DeafBlind guests to try to optimize everyone’s experience. Hopefully, you will be with the same person as often as possible, but life throws curveballs. Please be patient and flexible.

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